| Fairewindsassociates at www.fairewinds.com, March 2012Tokyo Soil Samples Would Be Considered Nuclear Waste In The US from Fairewinds Energy Education on Vimeo. While traveling in Japan several weeks ago, Fairewinds’ Arnie Gundersen took soil samples in Tokyo public parks, playgrounds, and rooftop gardens. All the samples would be considered nuclear waste if found here in the US. This level of contamination is currently being discovered throughout Japan. At the US NRC Regulatory Information Conference in Washington, DC March 13 to March 15, the NRC's Chairman, Dr. Gregory Jaczko emphasized his concern that the NRC and the nuclear industry presently do not consider the costs of mass evacuations and radioactive contamination in their cost benefit analysis used to license nuclear power plants. Furthermore, Fairewinds believes that evacuation costs near a US nuclear plant could easily exceed one trillion dollars and contaminated land would be uninhabitable for generations.Alarming News, and a severe warning it is _very_ necessary to shut down Nuclear Power !We only have to look elsewhere to find alternatives in the form of sustainable energy sources which are growing more mature each minute.... Ak Malten, Pro Peaceful Energy Use Some more info at: Tokyo Soil Samples Would Be Considered Nuclear Waste In The US | |
Certainly no nuclear plant should be licensed anywhere in the world with serious seismic shifting. The main problems with renewable energies are the non-specific production times, inability to store and upscale to meet demand. Education of users is a must to move away from fossil and nuclear production of energy. And don't ever get me started on the false economy of electric cars!
ReplyDeleteHi Psyhosmoothie,
ReplyDeleteIt is asking for trouble, but lots of Nuclear Power Plants _are_ build in seismic area. If the renewable energy is produced in one time zone and is sold to countries of a different time zone, then renewable energy production would not be wasted, because storage then would not be necessary and the loss of energy, resulted by energy transportation would be acceptable. There are more then one possibilities to store renewable energy and there are systems known with a minimum of energy loss. Upscaling renewable energy production to meet demand is not that big a problem, the problem is in energy loss and energy waste by consumers - We All are hooked on energy and waste a lot. I agree more eduction on sustainable energy production is necessary and that is why I try at least to fill in part of that gap; fortunately I am not the only one. And the in your eyes false economy of electric cars depends on more than just the energy production and energy storage, but you could fairly say you can drive a car on renewable energy, and thus lower your CO2 footprint while driving it. But of course you could take the bus, or the train or other public transport, share a car with others, use a smaller or lighter car, take a bike, walk etc. and lower your CO2 footprint even more.
You could check my website for energy problems and solutions. The address is:
Thank you for sharing your knowledge. You have a wonderful blog! Keep it up!
ReplyDeletesoil sampling
Thank you for your compliments, Friends at Environmental Remediation Equipment Inc. (ereinc)
ReplyDeleteI did not update my blog and website for a while now, but I am happy to see that I still attract readers. What of course the purpose of it all is - spreading knowledge to forward a greener and more peaceful World - so others can make better decisions and go well informed into actions.
Think globally, but act locally, Friends,
Ak Malten