Websites by Ak Malten

Ak Malten - Main Index

. Ak Malten - Main Index.

My space on the Internet contains 3 websites and
1 blog this moment.    The links to them are:

For a greener planet (website)

For a greener planet (blog)

For a greener planet (blog  rss-feed  in: Atom
- RSS )

Koningspley Liefhebbers (in Dutch)

the Global Anti-Nuclear Alliance [GANA] site

For more information on my 3 websites see below...

Ak Malten
Fangmanweg 66
NL-6862EK Oosterbeek
the Netherlands
ak.malten [at]

For a greener planet

Yes I am a dreamer. I am dreaming of a greener planet where people live in harmony with each other and nature. Fortunately, I am not the only one. I have collected a number of links to news feeds and websites to keep my dreams of a greener, cleaner and saver World alive.
People might think that this site is about the future, so what do I care.     The answer to wake them is that our future start now, this minute.

If we do not start now we might end up in a world where there will be, literally speaking, no place for humans and other living beings. The sea is already rising and the air becomes more polluted every next minute.

So, let us have a look what the possibilities for us are to counter this. And yes, let us start today!     And remember - Nuclear Power powers Nuclear Weapons and apart from that, Pollutes our Environment for Future Generations and will Never become CO2 Emission Free

Vertical Gardens - Musée du Quai Branly in Paris Foto copyright:

For a greener planet

Koningspley Liefhebbers

De Liefhebbers van Koningspley is een groep van mede.. kunstenaars, natuurliefhebbers, schrijvers, filosofen en geïnteresseerden, die iets voor of over het geheimzinnig natuurgebiedje Koningspley willen maken of betekenen, zodat het gebied nog één keer werkelijk gezien wordt en aan haar schoonheid recht wordt gedaan

Koningspley--Op-De-Grens Foto copyright: Ak Malten

Koningspley Liefhebbers -- Hoofd menu


the Global Anti-Nuclear Alliance [GANA] site

The Global Anti-Nuclear Alliance [GANA] is a Member of the Abolition 2000 Network.   Its goal is to reach a Nuclear Weapons  and  Nuclear Energy Free World as soon as possible

[[[Watch it to believe it]]] Hiroshima Atom Bomb Impact

Be warned !! These images can cause nightmares !! So, be warned !!

The film shown above is a part of the "Hiroshima" BBC Documentary Reenactment. Here is a link to the complete Documentary:

"Hiroshima" BBC Documentary

The atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were nuclear attacks near the end of World War II against the Empire of Japan by the United States at the order of U.S. President Harry S. Truman on August 6 and 9, 1945. After six months of intense fire-bombing of 67 other Japanese cities, the nuclear weapon "Little Boy" was dropped on the city of Hiroshima on Monday,[1] August 6, 1945, followed on August 9 by the detonation of the "Fat Man" nuclear bomb over Nagasaki. These are to date the only attacks with nuclear weapons in the history of warfare.[2]

The bombs killed as many as 140,000 people in Hiroshima and 80,000 in Nagasaki by the end of 1945,[3] roughly half on the days of the bombings. Since then, thousands more have died from injuries or illness attributed to exposure to radiation released by the bombs.[1] In both cities, the overwhelming majority of the dead were civilians.[4][5]

the whole story at

If you want to join me and/or others within the Abolition 2000 Network in our fight to prevent this from happening again then follow the next link

Introduction to the Global Anti-Nuclear Alliance [GANA] site

For More websites by Ak Malten