Friday, February 18, 2011

Algae Biofuel the best !

What should one know about the danger of the old generation of Biofuels ?

The biggest threat of the old type of biofuels was threefold:

- To make the biofuel one used crops of agrarian products, like maize and sugar cane, which are normally eaten to make a relative very little amount of biofuel out of it.

- The consequences were that great fields of farm land were necessary and used to grow monoculture crops for the production of biofuel instead of food. It produced a very little amount of biofuel in the form of ethanol or biodiesel, compared to its potential for the production of food. So it was a waste of farmland, but it was done because the crops produced would bring in more cash, if it was sold to produce fuel, then it would if it was sold as food.

- Then after a while local people started protests, because the prices of food, like grain and maize were becoming so high, that people could almost not or not buy them to make food or buy the food in the form of bread

Fortunately this was then recognized as a bigger problem then the shortage of fuel and the policies supporting the production of biofuel were reversed. Biofuel became known as a threat to the world instead as a good way to fight Global Warming.

But... But what if we could produce a biofuel, which is made in a different fashion of a crop not normally produced for food, which would relative to the old generation of biofuel production crops, produce an enormous amount of fuel on less farmland or even in the desert ?

What or which crop would be able to do just that ???

Algae: Not Only The Best Biofuel By Far...Leonardo and Alexandria of LG International and the Algae Machines

picture source: Ecoversity at, Santa Fe, NM, USA

And here is the story of Algae biofuel and its huge potential

Ak Malten, Pro Peaceful Energy use

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