Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Japan's Nuclear Disaster: Don't Let It Happen Again

As the nuclear crisis in Japan grows more severe, our hearts go out to all of those affected. While we cannot undo the damage that is being done in Japan, we can take action to decrease the chances of similar catastrophes in other places.

Please take a moment to write to President Obama today and asking him to take the following steps in light of the disaster in Japan:

- Eliminate from the federal budget the billions of dollars in proposed loan guarantees for the construction of new nuclear reactors.

- End other subsidies to the nuclear industry, such as the Price-Anderson Act, which limits the liability of nuclear energy companies in the event of a major accident.

- Phase out existing nuclear reactors, and increase the defenses of reactors and spent fuel storage pools against natural disasters and terrorist attacks.

- Keep his campaign promise to build a clean energy future.

Japan's Nuclear Disaster: Don't Let It Happen Again
Please scroll down on the action page of NAPF a little and hit the link a second time to write and send a letter to President Obama


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