Nuclear Deterrence Myth; a psychological perspective
"defense department, deterrence, destabilization, danger" - what about- denial disinformation disingenuity deceit?
The so-called 'Global Powers' in particular the United States, Russia and certain other western regimes have championed the myth of nuclear deterrence for far too long. From my vantage point as a United States citizen it is clear that silence of the masses living within our, or any other nuclear weapon state, constitutes complicity with the policies of government. I find this deeply disturbing and spend my time, apart from that necessary to procure the basic needs of my family, working to alter this condition.
Those of us at home within a nuclear weapon state are by default locked in to a world-view predicated on a most disturbing mindset. A mindset so unpalatable and dissonant it generates the unconscious denial of its very existence. This world-view is typified by a cyclical pattern of blame, denial and refusal to acknowledge even the slimmest measure of responsibility for what amounts to an almost entirely self-created condition. The only sophistication to be found within it lies in the complexity of structuring of its accompanying disingenuity and artifice - which serve to create the illusion of substance. This apparently universal fraud derives from human ignorance and pretension and it guarantees us seats on a perpetual motion carousel-of-horrors. Steve Leeper, Chairperson of the Hiroshima Peace Culture Foundation in Japan is right when he says, "Human beings must graduate from a war culture to a peace culture." The difficulty lies in the overwhelming evidence that we as a species have thus far been loath to take the curriculum, lessons history has laid before us day in and day out since the beginning of time.
Every day I work with children from splintered, drug addicted, violent families who have received nothing in the way of moral guidance. They are the biologically enslaved; the hungry masses. They and their families struggle to survive at the basest of levels. The behaviors I witness and work tirelessly to correct on the playground and in the classroom are to me identical to those of our so-called "world leaders". The mantra goes something like this: "He has one! So I must have one! He didn't have I don't have to! He hit me, so I hit him back! (if I don't he will laugh at and push me around)." This primitive moral reasoning lies well below the mean. So why then do we tolerate this type of childish posturing from those in positions of power? Why do we continue to accept ignorance and hubris as a method of 'managing' global affairs? Why on earth would we allow such people near a weapon let alone allow them control of weapons of mass destruction!?
The myth of nuclear deterrence is nothing more than the pathological grandstanding of neighborhood bullies. It is purely and simply state-sponsored terrorism backed by the riches of the most lucrative industry on the planet - the war industry and its subsidiaries.
Its ultimate conclusion? A global 'back-alley' standoff between the world's most treacherous frauds. A gang of thugs willing to sacrifice every last one of us at the altar of their own perverted sense of 'righteousness'. Because the truth is - protecting frail egos besotted with greed from the unveiling of their own fraudulent humanity - is worth any price. They would take us all down with them rather than face the horror of their own inhumanity.
It is up to those of us who see through this charade to do something before it is too late. It is time to pull back the curtain, to point at the Emperor, to feed the elephant and the 800 lb. gorilla. It's time to run the charlatans out of town! The curriculum has been clear for millennia: An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind (polluted, starving, dismembered, in pain). The alternative is cooperation and collaboration in service of global co-existence, commitment to non-violent conflict resolution, and true global security. If the message is not heeded, if we do not learn these lessons now, life as we know it will end. And for what?
Francine Lindberg
PO Box 372
El Prado, NM 87529 USA
575 613-3330
This was Francine Lindberg's reaction on the following article: Further U.S. Nuclear Cuts Could Destabilize Global Strategic Order, Expert Warns at gsn
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