Abolition 2000 Update
Progress and actions for the global abolition of nuclear weapons
May-June 2011Contents:
1. Global Peace Index - nuclear weapons don't bring peace!
2. Japan Federation of Bar Associations calls for nuclear abolition
3. Scottish parliament acts to remove Trident from Scotland!
4. Global Peoples Indigenous Caucus backs Ban Ki-moon on nuclear abolition
5. Middle Powers Initiative calls for a global ban on nuclear weapons
6. Climate change and nuclear disarmament - new report from the World Future Council
7. CTBTO - disarmament mechanisms assist in disaster prevention
8. Nuclear radiation affects babys' gender - according to recent German research
9. Unprecedented US nuclear weapons spending
10. Heritage Foundation concerned that Obama is serious about nuclear abolition
11. South Korean's fast to prevent new military base
12. Music for nuclear abolition
13.Fukushima and nuclear energy updates:
14.Up-coming events:
-- and The complete Abolition 2000 - Update May-June 2011
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