Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Will Japan hold a referendum to scrap nuclear power?

A year an earthquake and a tsunami caused the world's worst nuclear disaster in a quarter century, a group of activists in Osaka, Japan, are seeking to hold a referendum that would ban nuclear power for Osaka.

By Yoko Kubota, Reuters / February 14, 2012


A group of Japanese activists submitted a petition to the western city of Osaka on Tuesday seeking a referendum on scrapping atomic power, a step some hope will boost a campaign that appears to be flagging a year after the Fukushima disaster.

The world's worst nuclear crisis in 25 years after an earthquake and tsunami wrecked the Fukushima plant spurred anti-nuclear movements, previously seen as the preserve of left-leaning activists.

Plebiscites are rare in Japan -- three have been held on nuclear power as well as a number of others -- and no law exists for a national referendum. But campaigners in Osaka, Tokyo and the western prefecture of Shizuoka are taking advantage of rules that allow for referendums if the local assembly gives the nod

Osaka, the core of Japan's second biggest metropolitan area with 2.7 million residents, receives its electricity from Kansai Electric, Japan's second-biggest utility operating 11 reactors at three plants near the city.

If a plebiscite takes place, residents will vote on whether to scrap Kansai-operated nuclear power plants.

"Deciding such an important issue should be in the hands of the voters," said Hajime Imai, an organiser of the group....

Interesting developments !

Ak Malten, Pro Peaceful Energy Use

Will Japan hold a referendum to scrap nuclear power?


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