| In a National Geographic documentary (Dutch) on the cold war, former Dutch Prime Minister Ruud Lubbers broke the silence surrounding the U.S. nuclear weapons stored at the Volkel air base in the Netherlands.
 Picture source: http://www.nonukes.nl/media/images/lubbersdocumentaire.jpg
"Great News !!!
Interesting developments on Nuclear Weapons in the Netherlands !
Former Dutch Prime Minister Ruud Lubbers finally acknowledge their existence on Dutch soil in a documentary series on the Dutch Air Force first hundred years (July 1st 2013).
It was about time !!!"
Of course we all in the Anti-Nuclear movement and even the 2nd and 1st Chamber of Parliament of the Netherlands knew that those B61 bombs were in Volkel. There were more than enough official documents and statements in the open, so that never was the point. ( see: for example: June 19, 2008 post by Hans M. Kristensen at FAS Strategic Security Blog from the Federation of American Scientists USAF Report: "Most" Nuclear Weapon Sites In Europe Do Not Meet US Security Requirements -or- NATO Sticks With Nuclear Policy by Oliver Meier at Arms Control Today, June 2012 ). But it was kept a public secret, it was neither confirmed nor denied by the Cabinet of Ministers those Nuclear Weapons were there on Dutch soil. One simply could not discuss the subject with the government and in court every time all the evidence of their existence could be thrown by the judge in several cases against activist. And that was not only annoying, but also very frustrating.
But now it is different, a big campaign is no longer necessary to make the issue known to every one in the Netherlands, public and politicians alike, but their will be a discussion possibly in the open in the Parliament with the goal to get those B61 sent home to the US.
Tuesday June 11, 2013 there was a public discussion in the 2nd Chamber in the Netherlands (transcript link (Dutch)) in which the Dutch Minister of Defence, Hennis-Plasschaert, repeatedly stated: "...Ook nu weer wordt verwezen naar Nederlandse kernwapens. Ik heb al gezegd dat ik daar geen uitspraken over kán doen, niet over de locaties, niet over de aantallen of over de eventuele aanwezigheid daarvan. Het spijt me, maar dat heeft te maken met de afspraken die wij in bondgenootschappelijk verband hebben gemaakt. Daar zal ik mij aan blijven houden..."
My in-official translation of the Dutch Minister of Defence, Hennis-Plasschaert, statement (June 11,2013): ("...Again there is reference made to the Dutch nuclear weapons. I already stated I can not make any comments on this, not about the location, not about the numbers or about their possible existence. I am sorry, but it has to do with the agreements we have made in the Defense Alliance we are part of. And I will keep those...")
So "the Dutch Government NATO Mantra regarding the Dutch Nuclear Weapons is still in place", Ak Malten, Pro Peaceful Energy Use
On the other hand it is known the JSF is dual capable ( = can carry Nuclear Bombs as well as conventional weaponry ) as well. Will it again be that US Nuclear Bombs are to be flown with the next Fighter of the Dutch Air Force. Who Knows ???
Anyway NATO Nuclear Sharing is in violation of article 1 and 2 of the Non-Proliferation Treaty ( NPT ) and an update of our Nuclear Capability in the Form of B61 modifications including an update of our F16 with a new dual capable fighter, whether the JSF or another brand, would be a violation of article 6 of the NPT. But at least this can now be discussed with the government, they of course know our standpoint already, and it will be very difficult for a judge to throw our evidence out, again...
I not have the feeling there will be a big public campaign, but one never knows, lets keep our fingers crossed it will be possible to get those Nuclear Weapons home !
But the issue does not stop there if NATO Nuclear Policy and Nuclear Sharing stay in place !
Let us keep on kicking and get rid of all those illegal Nuclear Weapons in our World, from Dutch soil to begin with ! ( It is impossible to use Nuclear Weapons without violating International Humanitarian Law. So that is why they should be regarded illegal ! A good primer on International Law issues regarding Nuclear Weapons, which supports this standpoint is from Judge Weeramantry. It can be found at my old GANA Website at: http://www.cornnet.nl/~akmalten/uweerama.html )
Ak Malten, Pro Peaceful Energy Use
The Illegality of Nuclear Weapons is explained in the book: The Criminality of Nuclear Deterrence by Francis Anthony Boyle, Philip Berrigan ( 2002 ISBN 0-932863-33-7 )
Treaty text and International Humanitarian Law documents and text regarding Nuclear Weapons Threat and Use, can be found at my old GANA website at GANA's Document Index
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